
Let me tell you about my pharmacist


Let me tell you about my pharmacist

She knows MY Name and knows what I want but especially what I need.
He works 10-hour shifts and often pulls a double shift. Legally he can’t leave the pharmacy
unattended so that means no lunches and has a quick cup of tea if he is lucky.
We all want to speak to the pharmacist so she takes most of the calls.
He keeps a record of all your medication and from all your different doctors so he is 1st to pick
up errors, contraindications or even early warning signs.
She is passionate about my well-being; more than I and it is clear this is her calling!

He takes the time to tell me how to use my medication so that it can work, no postman or
courier can do that.
She knows my mom and my kids and my kids feel safe with her especially when they need
medication for that sore tummy – those meds that don’t taste nice but “her advice will make me
better dad”.
He saves me money by ensuring I get cost-effective generic medicines that work equally well as
the original product or suggest supplements that help me in the long run.
She often picks up that people are in dire need of a doctor or specialist and gets them an urgent
appointment, often she picks up that serious issue that other professionals haven’t and she
saves a life as a result.
He is on standby and often opens up after closing or on a Sunday because I called him and he
WANTS to help!
It’s never too much trouble for her to personally check my BP in the clinic or cholesterol or even
my sugar levels personally, in fact, she often insists on it knowing I’m a high-risk patient.
He makes sure my meds come out of the correct benefit so that my medical aid lasts, he even
reminds me that my chronic medicine is running low!
She trains her staff so well that we are treated well from the time we enter the pharmacy; to the
time we leave.
He has seen every rash, every bite, every infection, every wound before and his swift action and
recommendation are comforting and life-saving.
I know she works evenings and still has to go home and be a mom, cook food and yet she does
it with love.

He works most weekends, missing his kids grow up and sacrifices watching the big game, just
in case I need his help.

That’s why I know his name. Guess what? … He or she is not just my pharmacist, he’s YOURS

These incredible people are fighting this pandemic and as the Frontline implies – they are taking
the first hits; they are delivering medicines to people in isolation or those infected but without
fear or favour they are servicing people who may not know their status – the pharmacist does
not look at a patient as a positive or negative but as someone who is in desperate need of care.
Currently, most community pharmacies are short-staffed, battling to get essential supplies and
the overall system is strained. It sadly must also be pointed out that Frontline pharmacists are
not just fighting this pandemic but are in full support of patients who are suffering, not with
COVID but with other direct impacts caused by COVID. They are the first to be called because of
stress-related issues, let’s face it, people are worried about loved ones or may have lost their
jobs, income or their businesses may be taking the strain. Pharmacists know all too well that the
vulnerable need to be protected and as a result are making sure that the people with co-
mobilities receive that extra care, that extra care that they are not paid for, that pearl of wisdom
that keeps the patient safe, well or at the very least – comfortable. But the pharmacist is the first
port of call for a cough, a headache, sore back, bladder or bowel issues etc etc etc basically
they are called upon first and always put you first! We are made to feel special; we are not just a
number or a statistic!

This is just to honour these wonderful people on the Frontline right now fighting for us, keeping
us safe, ensuring we have the meds and health advice and care we need! These people and
their staff are extremely exposed right now working in our interest.

I just want to thank and acknowledge the commitment each and every one of our community
pharmacists is showing right now. Showing up, stepping up, not giving up and making sure they
lift us up. Words cannot express our sincere gratitude at this point to all these men and women
on the Frontline, even those who are not well, are on the phone helping the temps and locums
to deliver unparalleled care for us all. We salute you all. Stay safe!

Al van Buuren
Alpha Corporate Retail

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