Alpha Clinics
So much more on offer than the average in-pharmacy clinic.
Our Alpha Clinics offer much more than the average in-pharmacy clinic. We do our best every day to make your experience peaceful, convenient, and easy. Going for a checkup shouldn’t make being sick feel worse. So, let’s get better together. Alpha Clin clinics are connected to many of the leading medical aids, making it possible for you to enjoy the convenience of professional care, right where you buy your medicines.
The list of care and services provided by Alpha Clin clinics is extensive:
- Baby Assessment
- Baby Milestones
- Blood Pressure Testing
- BMI Testing
- Breast Examination
- Breast Feeding
- Cholesterol Testing
- Ear Syringe (Only available at selected pharmacies)
- Family Planning
- Glucose Testing
- Health Risk Assessment
- HIV Counselling and Testing
- Injections
- Pregnancy and Post Delivery advice
- Pregnancy Tests (urine)
- Urine Sample
- Wound Care
- Option 1:Use our clinic locator to find an Alpha Clin clinic near you or contact an Alpha Clin Clinic to set up an appointment by contacting our call centre on 012 010 0735
- Option 2: AlphaCare Booking App
Here’s how you can avoid queues and book an Alpha Clin clinic consultation online https://www.alphaclinbookings.co.za/
- Go to our online booking platform – www.alphacarebookings.co.za
- Search for a Pharmacy in your community that is AlphaClin / AlphaDoc enabled
- Select chosen pharmacy
- Select the date and time for your appointment
- Fill in your details and select reason for booking and click on Request Appointment
- You will then receive both an SMS and email confirming your booking.
- Go for your appointment on your selected date and time!
- Option 3: AlphaNurseDirect
AlphaNurseDirect is our Virtual Nurse video consultation platform. You can consult with one of our nursing sister virtually to determine the type of care required.
Here’s how you can avoid queues and book an AlphaNurseDirect video consultation online www.alphacarebookings.co.za
- Go to our online booking platform – www.alphacarebookings.co.za
- Search for a pharmacy in your community that is AlphaNurseDirect enabled
- Select chosen Pharmacy
- Select the date and time for your appointment
- Fill in your details and select reason for booking and click on Request Appointment
- You will then receive both an SMS and email confirming your booking with a link.
- Click on the link on your selected date and time to begin the video consultation!